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Wire harness production, design intelligent digital shallow reading

Edit:admin   Browse:798  Date:2020-12-17

"Made in China 2025" clearly puts forward "to promote intelligent manufacturing as the main direction" to promote the transformation of manufacturing industry and realize the transformation of China's manufacturing industry from large to strong. Automation is the foundation and prerequisite of digitization and intelligence. (1)

Although some benchmark wire harness companies have made great progress in intelligence and automation in recent years, most wire harness factories are still at a low level of local intelligence and automation. Many of them are manual labor, and wire harness processing is still a labor-intensive industry.

In 2013, the German government put forward the "Industry 4.0" strategy, and Industry 4.0 is the era of using information technology to promote industrial transformation, that is, the era of intelligence. Its essence is to use data flow automation technology to shift from economies of scale to economies of scope, and to build a heterogeneous customized industry at the cost of homogenization and scale.

To take the express train of “Industry 4.0” and the “Made in China 2025” plan, wire harness processing equipment companies must also make full use of the broader profit space provided by intelligence for wire harness companies, realize the reintegration and innovation of resources, and respond to the market’s “intelligence” , The voice of "informatization" demand. Among them, the integration of machine vision, image perception and acquisition, industrial sensors, and industrial Internet of Things to realize the automation of wire harness inspection equipment is the most effective way, which can help the factory to achieve its true meaning in the intelligent, informatized, and unmanned upgrade. Industry 4.0 on the Internet.

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